
Showing posts from August, 2013

S&S News: Sony: "If You Compare PS4 Visuals With Any Other Gaming Console, PS4 Will Look Better Every Time"

S&S News: Sony signs 21 publishers for exclusive PlayStation content

S&S News: Uncharted movie going well, Metal Gear Solid film 3 years away, Mass Effect 5 years, says producer

S&S News: The Order: 1886 was inspired by Uncharted 2

S&S News: Wii U’s struggling sales have nothing to do with the console’s name, says Fils-Aime

S&S News: New GTA V Trailer Released

S&S News: PS4 Still Leading Xbox One in Pre-order Software sales

S&S News: Nintendo announces new 2DS model that plays 3DS and DS games in 2D

S&S News: Capybara has “nothing but positive things” to say about Microsoft

S&S News: PS4 will automatically download remote PSN purchases

S&S News: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer on PS4 - 60fps / 64 Players Confirmed

S&S News: Borderlands 2 GOTY Edition contents confirmed, dated & priced

S&S News: Call of Duty’s annual release has reached “pop-cultural inevitability”, says Hirshberg

S&S News: Battlefield may not be annualized, DICE “can’t build a game every year,” says Bach

S&S News: PS4 developers will get more creative with the hardware by “year three or year four,” says Cerny

S&S Review: Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches DLC

S&S News: Battlefield 4 on PS4 & Xbox One – 'We need to compromise in some places,' says DICE

S&S News: Bethesda ‘pushing’ Microsoft on playing Elder Scrolls Online without Xbox Live Gold subscription

S&S News: New Driveclub video shows direct-feed gameplay

S&S News: Gamestop managers to receive a PS4, seven games

S&S News: Ubisoft still believes in Vita and Wii U

S&S News: Ignite Engine lets EA Sports ‘invest and innovate’ on a single code base

S&S News: Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls may release on consoles

S&S News: Shadow of the Eternals dev has “not given up”, will “pursue other avenues”

S&S News: PS4 Gets 33 Games in 2013, 180 in Development

S&S News: Wii U sizzle video shows off system’s current and upcoming exclusives

S&S News: Tomb Raider moves over 4M, Square to develop more persistent online games

S&S News: Gaijin explains why War Thunder is skipping Xbox One

S&S News: Rainbow 6: Patriots still in development, says Ubisoft

S&S News: Deep Silver says that Metro franchise will ‘absolutely continue’

S&S Review: PayDay 2

S&S News: The Last Guardian in “earnest” development but not a “priority” at present, says Ueda

S&S News: Mirror’s Edge reboot wouldn’t have been possible on current platforms, says Söderlund

S&S News: Sony didn’t “purposefully decide” to release so many indie exclusives on PS4, it just happened naturally says Yoshida

S&S News: XCOM: Enemy Within invades consoles and PC on November 12

S&S News: PS4′s pre-orders way ahead of PS2 and PS3

S&S News: Grand Theft Auto 5′s ESRB rating lists violence, swearing, and drug use

S&S News: InFamous: Second Son developer diary discusses DualShock 4 integration

S&S News: Titanfall gamescom 2013: live gameplay shows action, massive mechs

S&S News: The Division coming to PC thanks to fan demand

S&S News: Xbox One launch line-up: AC4, BF4, CoD: Ghosts, FIFA 14, Forza 5, and more

S&S News: The Sims 4 gamescom 2013: series has been”reinvented” with emotional gameplay

S&S News: Payday 2 Steals UK Top Spot

S&S News: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified launch trailer tells you to survive and adapt

S&S News: Xbox One sizzle trailer shows off Titanfall, Forza 5, Halo more

S&S News: PS3 12GB now available in North America

S&S News: Dying Light: Official 12 Minute Gameplay Reveal

S&S News: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified was “announced too early”

S&S News: Grand Theft Auto 5′s achievements list leaked

S&S News: PS4 graphics comparison montage shows evolution of PlayStation visuals