S&S News: Mirror’s Edge reboot wouldn’t have been possible on current platforms, says Söderlund

Mirror’s Edge is a “true next-gen idea” which would not have been possible on current platforms, according to EA Games vice president Patrick Söderlund, who said bringing it to next-gen “felt right.”

Speaking with Polygon during gamescom, Söderlund reiterated that the design of the game appealed to him after senior producer Sara Jansson presented her concept for the reboot.

“It just happened to be a game design that I don’t think you can build on an old-gen machine,” Söderlund said. “It doesn’t work the way it’s designed. And that also appeals to me. We could maybe get it to work on one, but we would have to compromise on too many things. With this we didn’t have to. It’s a true next-gen idea. With next-gen execution and that felt right.

“It was something that I just looked at and said, we have it, let’s do this. It wasn’t so much the story, even though that’s very important, but it was about the game and how the game was going to be played and what you can do and what Faith does. It amplified the things that were good with Mirror’s Edge and downplayed the things that were bad in a very natural cool way and combined it with a bunch of really inspiring cool things.”


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