S&S News: Sony: "If You Compare PS4 Visuals With Any Other Gaming Console, PS4 Will Look Better Every Time"

It looks like Sony has taken another not so subtle jab at Microsoft and Nintendo, this time revolving around the systems' hardware.

SCEA’s Sean Coleman said during the Sony conference at GameStop’s Expo:

"Not only do games play better, but if you compare PlayStation 4 visuals side-by-side with any other gaming console, PlayStation 4 will look better every time."
He then asked attendees not to take his word for it, and instead showed them quick clips from Killzone: Shadow Fall and inFamous: Second Son. This comes after a generation where the PS3 was versions of multi platform games always lagging behind the 360.  Sony ensures that with the next gen, that won't be the case.

Source: PSLS


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