PS4 Title Deep Down’s Weapons And Story Detailed

News of the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive title, Deep Down has been slowly but surely coming to light as development continues. 

In a recent Famitsu profile of Deep Down it was revealed that, in addition to the previously announced sword, shield, and spear combat combos, an additional weapon type of greatsword has been included as well.

Additionally, some hints were dropped relating to what we’ll be able to expect as far as the game’s plot goes. Here is the translation from Famitsu:

“The stage of the story is New York in 2094. A member of the Ravens with the ability to read the residual thoughts that dwell on items earns his livings by clarifying the story from archaeological sites of ancient cultures. At one point in an excavation in the Czech Republic some ruins from the late 15th century are found. The presence of a mysterious city and the memories of an ancient civilization can be found in the site. The hero receives the request to investigate the ruins and to read its memories.”


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