S&S News: Rockstar’s Dan Houser on making another Bully: ‘I know I want to.’

While Grand Theft Auto 5 is busy breaking records, Rockstar’s Dan Houser has commented on the possibility of making a sequel to Bully. It’s not going to happen any time soon, but it’s something Houser would love to do in the future.

The game caused a great deal of controversy upon release, but received strong reviews and sold reasonably well, if not quite to standards Rockstar has set since. Polygon asked Houser about the possibility of a follow-up.

“I know I want to,” Houser said. “Well, hopefully, you never know. There’s a lot of directions I could go with that one, it’s funny.”

When asked about the fan suggestion that Bully protagonist Jimmy Hopkins could grow up to be a GTA character, Houser was less keen.

“I never saw him as being that level of degenerate,” he said. “I saw him as a bad teen, because he comes from a tough home, who could go either direction. He’s not going to be a carjacker. He’s too white collar for that already. He’s at a shit private school, but he’s going to end up being really happy because he’s at the worst bit of his life, or being a sort of messed up white collar doofus.

“He was an unpleasant soul, but he had a heart. To some extant you could say the same was true of [Grand Theft Auto 4's] Niko in a bizarre way. But [Jimmy's] not trying to burn down the school, he’s more trying to stand up to injustice.”

I hope we actually get one in the future, Bully has always been one of my favorite games on the PS2.


  1. Kris Finch9/26/2013

    YES! I can't wait! We need Bully II and RDR II!

  2. Oh those would be so nice!

  3. Kris Finch9/27/2013

    Yes! I think Rockstar could do wonderful things with these two games.

  4. Next gen RDR will be ambitious.


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