S&S News: Microsoft Defends Xbox One High Price Tag

Microsoft has stood by their new console, and the high price tag that comes along with it, stating that the company is actually over-delivering value in the box...

Microsoft's Xbox boss Don Mattrick has spoken out to defend the Xbox One's $500 price point, saying that people will choose the Xbox One over the PS4 in the long run.  

"It's a lower number than some of the analysts had forecasted," Mattrick said onBloomberg TV. "We're over-delivering value against other choices I think consumers can get. Any modern product these days you look at it [and] $499 isn't a ridiculous price point. We're delivering thousands of dollars of value to people, so I think they're going to love it when they use it."

Mattrick believes consumers will choose Xbox One for its suite of exclusive features and applications like an improved Xbox Live, as well as Skype, Twitch TV, SmartGlass, and Kinect.

"We're really making the living room your center of fun for your family," Mattrick said.


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