S&S Indie Review: Ninjas and Priestess

Title: Ninjas and Priestess // Format: XBLIG // Release Date: 8/12/2012 // Developer: Team Shuriken // Price: 80 MS points // Violence: 3/3 // Sex: 3/3 // Mature Content: 2/3

Team Shuriken has finally graced us with another title from their eclectic collection, Ninjas and Priestess looks to continue the team's signature style of blending over-sexualized style and great 2D art to the XBLIG scene.
Presentation, Story, and Core Gameplay:
The presentation, just like in any other Team Shuriken game, really puts all of its emphasis on the women in the game.  There are men in the game, which is a shocker, but the female characters are more prominent.  This game is very colorful, and the gorgeous 2-Dimensional art and characters really impresses from start to finish.  You can easily come to appreciate the oriental inspired style to the game.  There isn't really a lot of music and sound effects in the game besides the subtle menu music and dying effects which you'll hear more often than not.  I feel like the developers really dropped the ball when it comes to  the game's audio, you'll be frequently wondering where's the music, and why does your character make this weird sound after defeating an enemy.  The narrative is pretty shallow as well, your team of heroes are sent into a city, that has been invaded by evil forces, and you have to rescue hostages.  After about 10 minutes you're sent into a dark labyrinth to deal with the King of Demons who has more hostages. The gameplay is simple, choose which route you wish to take, with the occasional enemy getting in your way.  You get to choose between one of three different characters to fight off the enemy, if you chose correctly, you move on.  If you don't make the right choice, sometimes you get to choose another and other times you have to restart at a checkpoint. This game is short, and possibly the shortest from the team.  It'll only take you around 20 minutes to finish it.
Final Thoughts:
Ninjas and Priestess is the best game from the Shuriken team, but thats still not a good thing.  Their previous titles haven't been that great either.  For 240 MS points, I don't see this 20 minute game being worth it at all.  
S&S Rating: 5/10


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