A S&S Perspective: Why is Super Mario so Great

Super Mario Bros Review
Mario has been the favorite character of the gaming world over the years and if there is one character that has won more hearts than Mario, it has to be the Super Mario. This arises from the fact that the Super Mario Bros game of the md 1980s is considered to be the resurrecting factor of the gaming industry when everyone thought it had withered away. But what was so awesome about the Super Mario Bros game? What made it into the icon that it is today. While the reasons are endless, the following review will answer a lot of question you might be having:

Clichéd Yet All Time Favorite Storyline
Don’t smirk and stick up your nose when you read that the Super Mario Bros had a clichéd story line. Many people believe that the fact that it had such a clichéd story line is what made it so popular to start with. The Super Mario Bros game shows the little Italian plumber going out on an adventure mission to save the damsel in distress, who doesn’t love it?

The story goes that the King Koopa has kidnapped the prince of the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario must travel through numerous levels and fight off a number of hurdles before he can defeat King Koopa and rescue the princess. Stuff dreams are made of, right?
Gameplay Platforming Level: Genius
Genius and ground breaking are the 2 most apt adjectives that can be used to describe the all new gameplay that the Super Mario Bros came up with. Considering the graphics engine and game engine of the 80s, it was nothing short of a miracle. This was achievable though the fact that the developers of Super Mario Bros came up with the perfect mix between side scrolling and Platforming game play. This means that Mario ran from the left to the right of the screen jumping over platforms, levels and gaps and other adversities.

Add to this the fact that the Super Mario Bros had an innovative combat system which made it an instant favorite with gamers. It was the perfect balance between simplicity and interesting. While you can enjoy stomping on weak enemies, the stronger enemies will need you to sue your fire power and other skills to defeat them. You can improve your combat skills throughout the game as you progress through levels collecting power ups and other goodies.

Add to these 2 factors the fact that the Super Mario Bros saw ground breaking graphics, music and other aesthetical upgrades and you have the answer to the raging success that Super Mario Bros enjoy. Play the Super Mario Bros online at mario dash games and do share your experience with us in the comments section.  
 Contributing Writer:
B. Lyttle is a gaming enthusiast and has been a Mario games fanatic since her childhood. She recommends that you also try them at http://www.mario-games.co/.


  1. Matt Stone8/13/2012

    Good first editorial, keep it up

  2. kimlee248/13/2012

    Mario has always been a icon in the video game franchise, i have to agree with you.

  3. Staff_Writer_SamK8/13/2012

    Yea especially with Nintendo, they always have had a good way to create these new characters

  4. Staff_Writer_SamK8/13/2012

    We will man

  5. Jake Willsher8/13/2012

    Great article sam. Agree on the thought that mario is an iconic figure and although he's been pushed aside slightly by all the monstrous franchises over the last few years, he's still as prominent for all current generations.

  6. Nintendo has some of the most enjoyable and original IP's out there. Check out their new game Project P100. Although they better watch their back because Playstation and Microsoft are catching up very quickly. Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Halo, Gears of War all among the ranks.


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