S&S Indie Review: Mystic Forest

Title: Mystic Forest // Format: XBLIG // Release Date: 06-26-12 // Developer: Team Shuriken // Price: 80 Microsoft Points //Violence: 3/3 // Sex: 3/3 // Mature Content: 3/3

 Mystic Forest is a real treat for your eyes, especially if you're a guy, and thats basically all the game has going for it.  Me being late to the party, its only one of the many alluring games that came from Team Shuriken.  Presentation, Story and Gameplay:
You'll instantly notice the detailed art style in Mystic Forest, as its over-exaggerated female models won't let your eyes look away.  As you move from scene to scene, you'll be treated to even more eye candy.  Setting aside from all the pretty "faces" in the game, there really isn't much else to gaze at in the game in terms of environments and locales.   Subtle music don't really add to the overall experience, its just simple there.  In the game you play as Philippe or Phillip, the game frequently switches it back and forth, a farmer that lives in a sleepy village called Turtle Stone.  You begin reading that Phillip has grown accustomed to being a hard working farmer and constantly plowing fields.  Coincidentally right next to Turtle Stone, is the mysterious Mystic Forest.  One day Philippe finds a busty fairy resting in his field of salad.  Thats where your short journey takes off.  The game is really short, right around 20-25 minutes.  When you look at the simplistic gameplay, you simply select one of the few options the game gives you for that specific scenario.  If you choose one option that clearly wasn't the right one, its easy to just go back and change your answer to progress the game's narrative.  I have to also say that the writing is pretty amusing at times, don't get me wrong, the game wasn't written by Judd Apatow or Adam Sandler.  It'll just make you chuckle or smile sometimes at the insanity on your screen.
Final Thoughts: 
If you have a dollar lying around and decide to spend it on Mystic Forest, you won't be terribly upset at yourself.  You'll just be okay with yourself.  I'm always for the over-sexualized characterization of video game characters just as the next guy, so I was fine with my purchase.  
S&S Rating: 7/10


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