S&S Reviews: Tales Of Graces f

Title: Tales of Graces f
Format: PS3
Release Date: March 13, 2012
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: Namco Tales Studio
Price: 59.99
ESRB Rating: T

RPGs on the console are pretty rare in comparison to the last generation of gaming, so Tales of Graces f is a welcome addition to Sony’s library.

The visuals are fairly good when you consider that this was once a Wii game. The HD update brings out the gorgeous, consistent style with few blemishes like clipping and sometimes flat textures. The tunes that accompany the adventure are memorable and rarely out of place.  

You play as the determined Asbel on his quest to get stronger and protect everyone. The plot, along with the characters, get a little cliche-y, but they never get too annoying. Some of the cutscenes can get a bit grating for gamers new to the common corny elements of JRPGs, and I found the story to be a bit slow. Thankfully, the better, more action- packed scenes almost make up for the staleness of the calm ones.


The game plays like an Action RPG as you smack around the local animals and plant things. The RPG side lets you level up, combine items for stat boosting or healing, and customize your attacks and spells.Honestly, the battle system is the main reason to pick this game up, a stark contrast from other RPGs who focus primarily on the story aspect. Random slowdown drags the game in a few battle, but it’s never enough to make you stop playing.

Final Thoughts
If you are looking for a fun and action focused JRPG on the consoles, look no further. The story gets kind of boring and predictable, but who buys Tales games for the plot?

Final Score = 8.5/10
Email: ryan.collins1@loop.colum.edu
Twitter: @mspoilersahead


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