*Community Review* Short And Sweet Review: The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword

Just in time for the release, someone has finally sent me a review via email, and it comes from Alan34.  He has sent me a good write up for Zelda Skyward Sword, this helps me since I sold my Wii after I beat the previous Zelda game.  So I don't  have to buy a Wii for this game alone anymore, check it out below...

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game I've ever played and it kicks all kinds of ass.  This is my favorite Wii game out there now.  What puts Skyward Sword over the top and makes it great is that the Wii motionplus is such a great addition.  It's only when you enter your first combat scenario that things begin to pick up.  Link's sword mirrors your hand movement, so whether you thrust forward or swing horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you see your actions play out on the screen, like you're actually Link.  Camera controls are OK, but they seem to jump uncontrollably at times.  The dungeons are quite impressive and follow the standard of previous Zelda games.  Puzzles are more unique in that each new item you get , won't be the only way too solve them.  A boss waits at the end of each dungeon, and I guess there OK.  A few problems like the repetitive fetch quests or the occasional controller glitch, don't get in the way of this awesome game.

Final Score = 9/10


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