Fallout 4 has over 400 hours of content

Fallout 4 has so much stuff in it you can play it for 400 hours and still not see everything, according to lead producer Jeff Gardiner.

In an interview with OXM (via gamespresso), Gardiner spoke of his time with the game. "I've played the game for probably 400 hours, and I'm still finding stuff that I haven't seen."

Gardiner goes on to explain this is due in part to Fallout 4's crafting system. "For the larger building stuff it’s not stored in your inventory, it's in the workbench that you're using in that area. I de-constructed this and it's all stored over her and then when I go to build it's pulling from that inventory of stuff I have."

He goes on to discuss the intricacies of the mechanics, like players having the choice to install electronics into buildings, but will also need to add generators.

"It's all common sense visual stuff. If it doesn't connect to the generator, the power doesn't work. You can actually flag stuff to say 'I'm looking for this stuff because I want to make this' which means that when you're scavenging anything that fulfils the requirement gets flagged in the world. When you connect stuff to the computer terminal you have a lot of control and sort of fine tuning. If you've got something that plays music, you can actually define how it’s playing music."

Fallout 4 launches November 10 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


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