PS4's first-party line-up is a "little sparse" for 2015, admits Sony

The PS4's first-party line-up for 2015 is a "little sparse" Sony Computer Entertainment president and global CEO Andrew House admitted at the firm's Investor Relations Day this week.

This means third-party titles will be used to fill the void, says House.

"We are working very hard to continue very strong support from third-party pubs and devs," House said. "Our first-party line-up is a little sparse this year, so I think this places even greater emphasis on getting good third-party support."

Many of the third-party titles are also likely to be available on Xbox One, with House admitting that securing exclusives is becoming an increasingly difficult task.

"I will admit that these are, in the current publishing landscape, few and far between, but we were able to announce a full exclusive around a franchise like Street Fighter so that Street Fighter 5 is a complete exclusive for PlayStation 4," House said. "Although given publishing dynamics and development costs, those are increasingly difficult to secure."


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