Here’s how the Share Play feature will work on PlayStation 4

The Share Play feature, which will be included in the next PlayStation 4 update, is demonstrated in the video below.

Sony describes the feature as a “virtual couch” by allowing the user to create an online local co-op session with a friend for one hour at a time. Even if they don’t own a copy of the game, they can play with you for the one hour duration.

Here’s a list of other interesting facts about the Share Play feature, straight from Sony:
  • Share Screen: Share your screen with a friend, allowing them to spectate. This is ideal for PS4 owners that want to watch their friends play a game and provide helpful tips. PlayStation Plus is not required to use this.
  • Hand over my controller: Pass your controller to a friend, virtually, and watch them play. Your friend does not need to own, or even download the game, in order to use this feature. This is perfect for introducing your friends to new games. The host will need to be a PlayStation Plus member, but the guest does not.
  • Hand over another controller: If a game supports local multiplayer, you can have your friend join as player two. Again, the visitor does not need to own, or download the game in order to use this feature. Both players will need PlayStation Plus to use this feature.


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