Dev On PS4′s 8GB RAM: ‘It Is Pretty Difficult To Be Technically Overwhelmed By New Hardware’

Given that 8GB of RAM in the PS4 is more than the average amount of memory found across PCs, GamingBolt asked Andrea Basilio, MotoGP 14′s Director at Milestone, whether they were overwhelmed by it.

“It is pretty difficult to be technically overwhelmed by a new hardware,” Andrea said to GamingBolt. “A developer is also an artist, every time you want to add more and more, and with more power you can push the boundaries further.”

He also talked a bit about the PS Vita version of MotoGP 14. “At Milestone we are very proud of the PS Vita version. The contents are exactly the same as the other console versions. Our new engine pushes Vita to its hardware limits. We also support the Remote Play feature.”


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