Battlefield 4 patch addresses death shield issue, Xbox One rent-a-server on hold

Battlefield 4′s rent-a-server scheme is live, but the Xbox One version has run into a bit of a delay. On the bright side, that “death shield” issue has been squashed.

While the new server scheme is the heart of the shooter’s latest update, DICE addressed the death shield thing in a post on the Battlefield Blog.

“We’d also like to inform you that with today’s server update, we are deploying a fix for the issue being referred to as Death Shield, where an invisible shield would appear around killed enemies, blocking weapons fire. Thank you for being patient as we worked to get this resolved,” the developer wrote.

Otherwise, as noted, it’s all about the rent-a-server going live. Hit the link above for pricing and other details, but please note that the Xbox One version is on hold.

“We have identified rental time issues with the Rent-a-Server Program release on Xbox One and have temporarily removed the feature as we investigate,” DICE said.

“The servers which were already rented will still be available for play, but admins may not be able to access all the management features at this time. As soon as a fix is in place we will announce its availability.”


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