PS4: PSN prices will be adjusted ahead of EU console launch, Sony confirms

Sony will look to adjust the cost of PlayStation 4 digital game prices ahead of the console’s European launch. It followed the discovery that EA was selling games like FIFA 14 and Battlefield 4 for £63 over PSN.

EA’s £63 PSN price-point was eventually lowered by a whole £3 yesterday, but the PS4 titles in question are still £5 more expensive than their Xbox One counterparts.

In a statement issued to Eurogamer, Sony wrote, “Although PS4 launches in Europe on the 29th November, we have switched on the European PSN early to test and make sure that features and functionality are fully operational for launch.

“However, as PS4 and PSN have not yet officially launched in this region, nothing on the PSN is final, including pricing on the store. You will continue to see some prices adjusted over the next few days in preparation for launch on Friday.”

The company confirmed that if you’ve already bought a PS4 game digitally on the EU PSN store that happens to be lowered before launch, you will be refunded the difference.


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