S&S News: Dead Rising 3 producer: fans should stop ‘freaking out’ about frame rates

A lot of fans that have seen Dead Rising 3 up close and personal have voiced a lot of concerns over the game's low frame rate.  Capcom Vancouver’s Mike Jones has spoken out about the issue.

He spoke to Capsule Computers to assert that “We’re still optimising it. It’s not finished.

“That’s the last thing you do, once it’s complete and you have all the world built, all the missions built and everything in there, then you start optimising, Then you start getting the frame rate up there, getting the performance up there.

“People have noticed, I’ve seen articles hit the web just last week when we were at Tokyo Game Show, from our Gamescom build to our Tokyo Game Show build. It is similar content, and a similar area of the world so people who saw it at Gamescom and saw it at Tokyo Game Show were like ‘oh shit they weren’t lying, they actually did optimise everything, and the framerate is totally solid now’, and we’re like ‘See? We’re not done, we’re still working on it! Give us a break, there’s two more months till we come out! We’re human beings too! We have feelings too!’”

Jones insists that the game is looking better than anyone outside of the studio has seen. “Listen to me when I tell you that we’re still working on it. That build is weeks old, and we have guys in Vancouver RIGHT NOW who are staying up until 3am to solve that problem. We are also working on new hardware, with a new SDK, as a day one launch title; a lot of people don’t understand the balance in this.

“We re-wrote our entire engine for Xbox One, and then we were getting new development shit, and new information about the hardware, and we were working with Microsoft trying to optimize everything and it is insane what our development team has been able to do. We’ve just been thrilled working with Microsoft and how our team has risen to the challenge to make the biggest, most ambitious Dead Rising yet.”

Dead Rising 3 is an Xbox One exclusive launch title.


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