S&S News: Amazon sells out of PS4, Xbox One launch day stock

It looks like Amazon has ran out of it's launch day stock of both the PS4 and Xbox One, so if you didn't pre-order it through Amazon already, you'll have to use another retailer to get your system on launch day.

Earlier this week, GameStop said it's currently not accepting any more PS4 pre-orders online or in stores, and now other major retailers have said their launch allocations of next-gen consoles have completely ran out.

"After a crazy and exciting month, we've sold through our initial allocations of PS4 and Xbox One," Amazon said on Facebook.

"We have the Standard Editions for both consoles still available, but we can't guarantee these at release. Please check back here as we'll update you first if we receive further release day allocations."

Meanwhile, US retailer Best Buy has stopped taking Xbox One pre-orders.  If you haven't gotten your pre-order down, you're probably going to be out of luck.


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