S&S News: Bethesda on Prey 2: "It's simply not good enough"
Bethesda has addressed the long-in-development action-shooter Prey 2. Speaking with IGN, marketing VP Pete Hines explained that the game, despite it's long development time, "It's simply not good enough."
"We appreciate that folks are displeased that we haven't had any update or any info on Prey 2, but whatever your displeasure is, you can't even be remotely as unhappy about it as us," Hines said. "We spent years and millions of dollars and a ton of effort trying to help Human Head make a great Prey 2 game. What we said the last time we said anything was that it's not up to our quality standards."
"It's simply not good enough," he added. "We're not going to just proceed blindly with something that isn't good enough. We spent a lot of time and money and effort trying to make this thing happen and support folks, but at the same time, you just can’t keep throwing money at it and saying, 'sure, it’ll eventually work.' You have to have the discipline to say, ‘it’s not good enough. It’s not hitting the quality bar. Why isn't it? We’ve been at this for a while, and what we have is not what we talked about.’ So that’s where we are."
Sources told Kotaku last month that Bethesda has started over on Prey 2, changing the game's developer in the process. The game was announced back in 2011, and I'm not sure if the game we'll ever see the light of day anytime soon.
"It's simply not good enough," he added. "We're not going to just proceed blindly with something that isn't good enough. We spent a lot of time and money and effort trying to make this thing happen and support folks, but at the same time, you just can’t keep throwing money at it and saying, 'sure, it’ll eventually work.' You have to have the discipline to say, ‘it’s not good enough. It’s not hitting the quality bar. Why isn't it? We’ve been at this for a while, and what we have is not what we talked about.’ So that’s where we are."
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