S&S News: Miyamoto Asks Consumers to Be Patient With Wii U

The Wii U has started off pretty slowly, and Miyamoto knows this, and he wants fans and consumers to be patient with the Wii U...

Miyamoto spoke with CNN and discussed how he feels that the second touchscreen on the Wii U hasn't caught on yet, but it will in time.  You can check out the quote below.

“There was a period when we first released the Nintendo DS that people would say there’s no way people can look at two screens at once,” he said. “I almost feel like, as people get more familiar with Wii U and these touchscreen interfaces, that there is going to come a point where they feel like ‘I can’t do everything I want to do if I don’t have a second screen’.
What do ya think, he does make some good points, especially about the Nintendo DS.  That device has went to sale like crazy.


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