S&S News: PETA needs to stay out of video games.

With most recent controversy of the whaling epidemic brought up in the announcement of Assassin's Creed 4. PETA has stepped in again trying to make their mark. They have even gone to the extent of creating spoof versions of games they believe are cruel to animals. 

Games such as Cooking Mama, Super Mario, and Pokemon. These are only a few of the games spoofed, but many more haven been criticized. PETA has called out Call of Duty for applying violence towards dogs. Yes, there are attack dogs used in Call of Duty, but there are also attack dogs used for police with investigation in everyday life. In games such as, Red Dead Redemption, Fable 3, and Assassin's Creed, animals such as wolves CAN be killed if wanted. In order to continue progress throughout these games animals may need to be killed. Although you do not have to, and when killing an animals in Assassin's Creed 3 you have the option to skip the moment when it is skinned. You do not gruesomely see the animal get skinned, nor do you have to watch. 

As mentioned above, PETA calls the upcoming Assassin's Creed 4 disgraceful. They stated that "Whaling is, shooting whales with harpoons and leaving them to struggle for an hour or more before they die or are hacked apart while they are still alive." Yes that can be true with all deaths of animals, but none of what PETA stated with be in the game. None of what PETA says about games are ever actually in games. They are the only ones thinking about it and taking it to the extreme. PETA needs to stay out of the video game industry. When choosing to kill a deer in a games, allows me not want to do it in person. Not that I ever have the desire to kill an animal in real life, I would prefer to have be done in a game. With this article being based on PETA and animal killing in games, generally animal killing in games aren't a big deal. As to I do not even think about because the developers of the game handle it so well. I can say that honestly, coming from someone who hasn't hunted an animal in real life. I believe Vegan/Vegetarian are good practices, animal cruelty is awful, and video games are a different matter than what PETA thinks. Variety is the spice of life, meaning not everyone has to do the same thing. Not everyone eats meat, not everyone kills animals, and not everyone plays video games. I believe every individual has the right of expression to their favor.



  1. Your article would benefit from links. Very little from this article feels original.


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