S&S News: PAX East Information and Predictions
As the days pass, PAX East is growing closer and closer and the anticipation is growing. Here's what we expect to see at the event.
This years PAX East is sounding fantastic, as we grow close many people like myself are making predictions and announcing what we'd like to see. So here is a list of my answers to some popular questions and some of my predictions.
- Will the PS4 be out on the floor? If so, will we be able to play it?
- Will Microsoft release any information about the Xbox720? If so, will they show off the console?
- Prediction: Blizzard will show gameplay of Diablo III on the PS3 at their panel on Friday. They'll also show footage of a new IP, hopefully a new RPG that will be coming to consoles. (At the same panel)
- Prediction: Capcom will release information of a new IP but with no in-game footage.
I will be at PAX East 2013 on Friday and Sunday. If you'd like to meet up at the event and talk during those days, let me know, I'd be happy to talk to fans of the site. If you can't find me, just send me a Tweet @AgentAbelove. Stay tuned to Short and Sweet Reviews during PAX East for more articles.
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