S&S News: Exclusive Interview with Moonshot Games

During PAX East 2013, I was able to sit down with Christian Baekkelund from Moonshot Games and talk about their upcoming top-down strategy game, Third Eye Crime. There is also a release date and price given in the interview below.

Question- So what is Third Eye Crime all about?

Christian- Third Eye Crime is a puzzle/stealth game that came out of some AI research that one of our lead engineers did way back when. You play as Rothko, a telepathic perp and basically run around this pretty, noir style world, steal art, and run from the guards. The music is also done by a guy who wrote the soundtrack for Bioshock Infinite.

Question- What made you, or gave you the drive to create this game?

Christian- Well Moonshot was started by 3 guys who left Bungie and they originally started making this game called Fallen Frontier. It was showed at PAX East two years ago and was set for the Xbox Live Arcade. Unfortunately though, we had some publisher issues and the game ended up not happening. They started a new game, Third Eye Crime, and made sure it was ready for PAX. It's a noir style game and we love noir and that kind of setting so we made Third Eye Crime. Most of the team also has a lot of background experience in gaming so that helped.

Question- When did you start making the game?

Christian- We started last summer so it is going to be a year since we started the game to it's release in early June.

Question- Did you run into any problems while making the game? Any bugs or major glitches?

Christian- The game is really AI centered so that gave us a bit of a challenge but we knew that going into the project.

Question- What is system is Third Eye Crime coming out for and why did you pick that system?

Christian- Our first platform is IOS and then eventually we'll move to Android, PC, and Mac. We like the size, my last game was an iPad game so we had some experience going into it. IOS is very portable so after the game's release, we'll be able to port to other systems.

Last question- Do you guys have a set price for game yet?

Christian- We still aren't entirely sure but it'll probably be under $5.00 for a game that's gonna have 80 to 90 levels in 8 chapters.

I was able to play the game after the interview and I have to say that you need to put your money down on this. When it comes out in early June, you'll be able to play (base off what I've played) one of the best IOS games of 2013. When the game does come out, be sure to keep it here for my review. If you want all the updates on the game you can follow Christian on Twitter @CB_Moonshot. You can follow me on Twitter too. @AgentAbelove


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