S&S Thoughts on: Call of Duty Black Ops 2 DLC
Title: Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Format: PS3,Xbox 360, PC
Release Date: November 12, 2012
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Treyarch
Price: $ 59.99
ESRB Rating: M
Yes as all of you now know Call of Duty Black ops 2 is well on it's way to getting it's first DLC. Only still in it's infancy stages we are already looking for the new downloads. What does this say about the CoD franchise? Can this keep going Companies it can and will till we the consumer say enough and refuse to buy it, but that will never happen for the simple reason that CoD will always have people who buy it just to say I have newest Call of Duty. We have proof already that the developer's do not care about the consumer but just the figure that they make off of us.
Why do we allow this to continue is what I'm asking? If this where the only game that did this it would be something we could over look and get used to with time but sadly that isn't the case. We can all think back to those games there we were so frustrated with what was wrong with the game that we went looking for answered an receive nothing in return. This is just another step in the unhappy gamer series.
Yet, I say we can not please everyone all the time and with social media and everything right at our finger tips One person annoyance an quickly turn into an swarm of hate and rage. The developers have to be deal with the millions of people who write, email or call the on a daily basis.
As unhappy as I personally am I am going to cut them slack nothing is perfect or right the first time. I will sit and deal with it for now until I can no longer stay silent.
what are your thoughts on the way we as gamers bend to the big game companies.
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