S&S Indie Review: Pulse: Fight the Night
S&S Reviews- Pulse: Fight the Night- by Six String Games
XBLIG- Justin Foster
Released 6/28/12
80ms points
Rating based on community: Violence:0/3 Sex:0/3 Mature Content:0/3
there everyone. This weekend I started playing the game Pulse: Fight the Night
on Xbox 360. It is a classic arcade
style game. Personally I had a blast
with this game and the only flaw I can really come up with is that the idea is
not very original. The game is very similar
to Geometry Wars which is an Arcade game that is on Xbox Live Marketplace. So if you’re interested in classic arcade
style games stop reading this and go download this game, if you’re unsure I’ll
do my best to explain why this game is appealing.
The gameplay of this game is very sound and doesn’t do anything that will blow you away, but I really don’t think you need to be overly innovative for a 1 dollar game. In this game you control an arrow and shoot at shapes that try to destroy you. The enemies vary in difficulty from squares that just get in the way of your movement to red arrows that try to shoot back. By killing these shapes and not dying you gain multipliers that make each kill worth more points. If you lose a life then your combo restarts. You also have bombs to clear out all the enemies if you feel like you’re getting overwhelmed. The best feature and the most creative thing this game does is limit your vision. When you kill enemies your vision increases so you can see where your enemies are as well as seeing any incoming fire. If you decide to hide in a safe spot away from enemies your vision will shrink to just a few centimeters around you. This forces you to be somewhat explorative on the map. Speaking of maps there are more than just one which can add some strategy to the game. They do have the big open space, but there are levels with walls and dividers to make the game less repetitive. In addition to great gameplay this games music is not bad either. The game features some rock music that plays the same rifts over and over, but I didn’t seem to mind as it made the game feel more intense. What could be more intense than some rocking guitar and fighting for my arrows life? Probably a lot of things, but still it’s pretty sweet.
conclusion, if you couldn’t tell I highly recommend his game. The gameplay is fun and intense and while it doesn’t
do much for uniqueness it makes sure that the core gameplay is polished. This game has high replay value and is only
80ms points so go get it everyone. 9/10
go fight the night.
email: Soulo316@yahoo.com
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