S&S Indie Review: The Rise of Gaddafish
Title: The Rise of Gaddafish // Format: XBLIG // Release Date: 07-5-12 // Publisher & Developer: Baller Industries // Price: 80 Microsoft Points //Violence: 3/3 // Sex: 2/3 // Mature Content: 3/3
When it comes to The Rise of Gaddafish, I have never played anything more bizzare, but funny at the same time. The half hour journey through the rise of Gaddafish is a special one.
Presentation and Gameplay:
In The Rise of Gaddafish, you play as Wilson Cooper, the Vice President of a Toy Company. This fact really isn't relevant at all because it never gets mentioned after the beginning of the game. You are then turned into a half fish by a guy who clearly doesn't like you as a person, and this gives you the ability to speak and understand all languages. Next you arrive in Libya, a place that is stricken with war and destruction. The story is pretty bizarre, and that is putting it lightly. The game doesn't last long, as I stated earlier, it will only take a half an hour. The art in the game is actually pretty great, with some impressively detailed characters. The environments are a mixed bag though, some rooms and buildings look good and a couple just looked unfinished. There is a big chunk of voice acting in the game, which doesn't sound all that great, with some pretty hysterical parodies, especially of one particular infamous leader. The writing is good though, offering up a lot of humorous one liners to make you chuckle. The gameplay is as simple as it gets, you interact with certain objects and talk with everyone you see, doing these specific things progresses the story further. There is a really lite inventory and crafting system, in which you'll only have pick up a few items and craft one thing.
Final Thoughts:
The Rise of Gaddafish is good reason why the XBLIG hub on Xbox Live is really growing on me. You get these cheap games that are really unique in their own way, now given that this story is really kooky, it kinda leaves an opening for a possible sequel.
S&S Rating: 7/10
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