S&S Indie Review: Superdimension Iliad
Title: Superdimension Iliad // Format: XBLIG // Release Date: 06/15/12 // Publisher & Developer: We Love Hamsters Software // 80 MS Points // Violence: 1/3 // Sex: 1/3 // Language: 0/3
The difficulty.
Superdimension Iliad's game play nearly copies and pastes in the Mega Man format. Ball can jump and shoot at the same time, control his mid-air velocity, shoot while on ladders, defeat bosses to collect weapon upgrades, and even select the next stage! The developer may as well have nicknamed the avatar "Rock" instead of Ball to honor the M.M. franchise, but then copyright issues would have probably come into play.
Those red turrets remind me of the Hammer Joes from Mega Man 3. |
Given the careful layouts of the level designs, Superdimension Iliad stood out as a title that would have quickly become one of the must-haves from the XBLIG marketplace if not for the fact that beating each level could become a month-long affair. For 80 MS points, Superdimension Iliad isn't a terrible buy, but there are certainly better games out there going for the same price.
Given this title's strong setup, and the designer acknowledging that the difficulty was the game's glaring biggest issue, Superdimension Iliad Zero looks to take everything from the first game and revamp the system with newly designed levels, art, and game music. Stay tuned for its scheduled release this fall!
S&S Rating: 5.5/10
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