Sonic has always been one of my favorite franchises to date, Sonic CD is the counterpart of Genesis versions. The story behind this game is that it was made by a hardcore fan of the series, it took years to make. After about a year of turmoil, Sega decided to release the game. If you're a Sonic fan, then this will be familiar to you.
For the port, Sonic CD has many options in terms of how you want the game to look. It has many filters to choose from, but I'm sure you'll be sticking to one that you like. The heavy pixelated filter will please all nostalgic fans. The game looks great in HD, and the colors are vibrant and lush, you'll especially notice the time changes as well. There are some sporadic bugs in the game that create odd camera spikes and being able to fall through objects. These few bugs don't hinder the game in any way though. You can freely choose between the Japanese and US soundtracks to the game, which is a very cool addition. The overall presentation of the game is spectacular and the highlight of the game.
Core Gameplay:
Each level really has a cool sort of gimmick to it. In each level there are multiple gates you can pass that will allow you to travel forwards or backwards in time. There are basically three levels in one for ever act in the game, and playing right can change the ending of the game. This adds more reason to come back after you complete the game the first time around. This still reigns as one of the best 2D platforming games all time. A time attack mode and leaderboards modernize this game for the current gen. Extras like the previous mentioned US and Japanese soundtracks add more to the game.
Final Thoughts:
This is yet another example of how packed these last few months have been with great downloadable games. This is the cheapest of the games I have reviewed, at $4.99, its definitely the most you'll get for your hard earned money. For Sonic fans, Sonic CD is a definite purchase.
Final Score = 8.75/10
Twitter: @iSamKulii
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