Short And Sweet Review: Trine 2 XBLA
The first thing I noticed about Trine 2 is its gorgeous and stunning visuals. Each scene invites you to different and diverse environments. The lush forests and caves to calm beaches shines with rich detail and impressive. lighting effects. Surprisingly, Trine 2 is one of the most visually impressive games out there. The game stars a trio of classic fantasy heroes: a knight, a sly thief, and a cool wizard. Their adventure sends them through the classic tale of rescue the princess. The voice work is well done and solid, the actors really bring these characters to life. Music in the game is a cool eclectic style and really adds to the game. The games' storybook-style narration is a cool touch and rounds out the games atmosphere beautifully.
Core Gameplay/Multiplayer:
Since I never played the first game, I didn't really go into this game expecting any thing. I just knew it was a RPG type of game with different puzzle elements. The three characters each perform specific tasks and have their own unique equipment. The wizard can conjure blocks and platforms, the thief has a bow and grappling hook, and the knight bashes enemies with swords, hammers, and shields. You get to choose who you want to play with, with recent games being so restrictive, this is a welcome addition. The game has a hard time letting you know of what you need to do at certain times, this can be a real pain when you have those intricate puzzles.
When playing by yourself you can switch between the three heroes at any time. You will want to play multiplayer though. This is where the game shines the most, there are options for online and offline co-op play. Combining powers opens up new avenues of sandbox tinkering; the wizard can float other party members on a conjured plank platform Its great for puzzles since you get help from other human players. There are a few boss fights in the game but they aren't really that engrossing. Sometimes they can even be a bit frustrating with the difficulty spikes.
Final Thoughts:
Trine 2 offers up great fun either while playing alone or playing with a group of friends. You will want to play online with friends though to get the most out of your 1200 MS Points. The price tag is a little steep, but it makes up for with great gameplay and a cool story. A superb presentation make this a complete downloadable game.
Final Score = 8.75/10
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