Short And Sweet Review: Gears Of War 3: Raam's Shadow
The new DLC for Gears of War 3 is now ready for download and you may wanna get it as soon as you can. This is great news for for me and others of the series. This is pure fan service of the franchise. Fans who have read the different comics and books , will notice different nuances about different areas and people. This add-on pack is purely story driven, the first of its kind.
General Theme of DLC:
RAAM's Shadow takes everything back to the beginning, it takes place shortly after Emergence Day as the Locust Horde makes a move to overtake Ilima. With a new cast of playable characters and some fun battles, RAAM's Shadow is a great piece on content. It may not hold you as long as the third installment. The first chapter reveals the origin of a certain minor COG from Gears
of War 3 and the finale sets the stage for a pivotal moment in the first Gears of War.
New Additions:
The Big new addition that this brings to the Gears Of War Universe is that being able to play as General RAAM himself. RAAM feels like a tank, and its actually pretty great. I had my skepticism and I thought it was gonna be a cheap gimmick, but its not. RAAM can't drop into cover, can't roll, and can't dodge, but can send a storm of Kryll to any target(Which never gets old). His power is overwhelming, so there's no real challenge to any of the levels. Take that any way you want too, I myself, like the feeling of being superior. Stabbing everyone in the gut with his iconic knife never gets old.
Additionally, you play as Zeta squad, another squad with similar qualities of Delta Squad. I have to comment on Barrick, the one liners this guy spews out is just lame and over the top. He's similar to Cole Train, although Cole Train is funnier, its nice to see new faces in the universe. There isn't much else new to the game except the new story and characters.
Final Thoughts:
RAAM’s Shadow is a good addition to the Gears of War universe and offers a few more hours of great action and cheesy one liners. Not much else new to the game other than the new features I previously mentioned, but the tale is still fun and exciting. The $15.00 price is well worth it with the high production values Epic has always done with their games.
Final Score = 8/10
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