Short And Sweet Review: Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Capcom has shockingly released a "Ultimate" version of one of the most beloved 2D fighters ever created.  I'm not the biggest fan of these kinds of games, but I've come to appreciate the easier nature of the game.  Its not as difficult as a game to control and pull off moves as a Street Fighter(Which Frustrated the Heck out of ME).  Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 adds in twelve more fighters, six from Marvel and six from Capcom. Add in the two downloadable characters, Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath and you've  got a pretty hefty character list.  The total count of 50 characters are great and quite cool to look at, like Frank West, and Ghost Rider.  One of the cool new innovative modes in the game is the new Heroes and Heralds mode,  which allows you to watch two online players pummel on each other(never gets old).  Other than the HAH mode, there isn't much else new to the game.  Graphically,  UMvC3 is as stunning as the previous games.  If you skipped out on Marvel vs. Capcom 3 earlier this year or simply heard about the Ultimate version, this is the perfect time to get in on the great fighting action.  The $39.99 price justifies the instant purchase.

Final Score = 8.5/10


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