Short And Sweet Review: Sonic Generations

After many hit-and misses that SEGA have tried to make with reinventing the iconic Sonic series, the guys at Sonic Team have finally put together a great next-gen Sonic game.  Sonic Generations taps into the nostalgia of two decades of hardcore fans of the franchise into a fun and innovative experience.  The story is simple but interesting,  the twin hedgehogs battle against an unknown force trying to destroy time itself.  You will race your way through nine different Sonic games.  The game is gorgeous to look at, its the best Sonic has looked in a long time.  One of my reasons of loving the game is the 3D stages, and If you've played the demo, you know what I am talking about.  The control on both versions of the blue hedgehog is great but the old sonic feels just as floaty as Sackboy at times.  This doesn't detract from the experience at all.  The sound is all right , with a couple of forgettable tracks from the average soundtrack.  The campaign is relativity short but there are a literal butt-load of items to unlock.  If you've already guessed the game is quite fun and a great package.

Final Score = 8.75/10


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