Short And Sweet Review: Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary


Halo Anniversary Edition brings back a certain nostalgia to anyone who ever played combat evolved, allowing you to remember all that made this game special and a classic in the first place. This game really looks great and the remastered visuals could pass for a new console game; you are given the choice of switching between the classic and remastered visuals on the fly at anytime in the game other than the cutscenes, showing you not only only how far the consoles have come, but how much effort that was put into this game.


The campaign is still great fun and is time well spent, but Im sure most people will spend the majority of their time in the multiplayer that is similar to Halo reach, in terms of rank and how the levels are played. Although there are only a total of 6 returning maps the multiplayer is just as exciting any halo game out there.

Final Thoughts:

There is also a new firefight mode, 3D, and some kinect integration but unless u were and are a big halo fan or maybe interested in visiting a classic u may not have ever played, this may not be your game, but if you are either of those people this game is definately worth the time and money.
Final Score = 8.5/10


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