I love GoldenEye, ever since the first release back in 1997 on my favorite system ever, the N64. I know what you guys are thinking, the N64 sucked, since I don't wanna have this conversation for the 100th time, lets start with the game. Reloaded is a reboot of the Wii's reboot, sort of confusing I know, Daniel Craig is the Bond in this game and he's awesome of course. The game is a good mix of stealth and action, stealth kills are awesome and gunplay is tight. There are lots of variety, including boss fights and vehicle sections that will get the heart rate up. The single-players is surprisingly long, which is a good thing, and if you play the game on a harder difficulty the game is even longer. Multiplayer is fun both online and off, myself being a little old school, love the splitscreen. Another game mode worth mentioning is the MI6 mode, a series of single-player challenges that are interesting in my opinion. They mostly involve slaughtering a bunch of enemies which never gets old. Overall, this reboot is awesome and worth a purchase in my book.
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