Short And Sweet Review: Slam Bolt Scrappers
Oh where do I start on Slam Bolt Scrappers, its pretty awesome. It's pretty hard to explain the game without getting your hands on. You travel from stage to stage via a map of the world, once on a specific you'll notice the Tetris like grid, but instead of destroying blocks you have to create squares. Once the squares are created weapons will spawn based on the different colors of the blocks. The weapons will then be used to destroy your opponents squares. First guy to destroy the other players squares wins. Multiplayer is where the game shines for me, since I have people to play right next to me. No online play just local. Since I'm not old enough to drink , I cant take advantage of the game's brilliant Beverage mode. This lets you play with one hand while you drink. (Its only cool if its Alcohol) The game is pretty solid once get used to it, and if you have someone close to you the multiplayer is awesome.
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