Short And Sweet Review: X-Men Destiny

X-Men is a new entry in the Marvel franchise, and its not looking to good.  I am a huge X-Men fan and i love the universe of it.  Too bad the games just havent been up to par with the movies and shows.  X-Men: Destiny takes place after the death of Charles Xavier as you stand at a memorial peace rally.  You dont control any of your favorite members, you choose one of three pre-molded characters.  These characters dont really have much depth to them, and often I found myself uninterested in them.  This is your standard action-adventure game.  You have a conversation/choice system that relates to Mass Effect but not near as robust as ME. Repetitive missions and dull combat justifies my choice to rent the game.  I did however finish the game.  Other than trophies, I dont see any reason of replaying the game.


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