Short And Sweet Review: Uncharted 3

Nathan Drake is back with the third entry in the completely awesome series Uncharted.  This series has been known for its gorgeous visuals, great story, and even stellar voice acting.  The gameplay isn't too shabby either, its even tighter than the last game.  Platforming is also a key feature in the game and it returns better than ever, jumping to a ledge and have then have the ledge crumble before sending you flying down never gets old.  Once again, Nathan Drake is in search of lost treasure in a mysterious land and it completely draws you in.  Puzzles are clever and they'll have you thinking and referring you to your handy journal.  Thanks to the incredibly impactful animations of a hand-to-hand assault, it s even fun to just use your fists to bash your enemies heads in.  Enemy AI is the only flaw I found in the game that bothered me, but even that couldn't halter this incredible experience.  Online is back and I love it, especially the co-op adventure mode which implements story sequences as you fight off waves of enemies.  Great story, gameplay , and an addictive online make this the best game this year.


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