Short And Sweet Review: Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection

After the elongated wait the highly anticipated collection from the good folks at Team Ico.  Right off the bat if you want and action packed gory mess go play God Of War.  you play these games for the experience.  ICO is more about the connection you get with the characters, while Shadow of the Colossus focuses on taking these huge colossi down strategically.  SOC is not as action-packed as Devil May Cry but its still a great time to be had.  The improved framerate and HD visuals benefit both titles significantly, because one of the issues that plagued the PS2 version was a bad frame-rate and screen-tearing.  Both titles in the collection feature 3D support, but Shadow of the Colossus uses it the best, as I've heard.  Trophy support also added makes this a complete and solid game.

Final Score = 9/10
"Great F$%$#@# Game"


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