EA prepared to delay Star Wars Battlefront 'if it wasn't right'

EA would be prepared to delay Star Wars Battlefront beyond November if "something went wrong" in the run-up to the game's launch, COO Peter Moore has said.

Speaking to MCV, Moore explained that "you can't ship it if it doesn't work or the quality isn't right. You just bite the bullet. Trust me, shipping [Battlefield] Hardline in March was not the easiest thing to do from a business perspective, but it was the right thing to do from a player perspective.

"We'd have no compunction, no hesitation that if something went wrong with Battlefront, if it wasn't right, we would just push it."

"But that's not going to happen," he continued. "The game is playable with 40-players already, and it is rock solid, so it ain't going to happen".


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