Developers Will Always Want More GPU Power, Freeing Up X1 GPU Resources Was A Good Move

Microsoft recently freed up about 10% of GPU space by axing the Kinect reserves, a move that many developers loved.

In a conversation with Chris Doran, founder of Geomerics, GamingBolt asked whether the 10% GPU reserve is sufficient enough to matter in games development.

“Developers will always want more GPU power if it is made available, and I think there was general agreement that this was a sensible move from Microsoft,” he said.

And how they are going to use it for their middleware i.e. Enlighten, Chris said that, “For Enlighten, we don’t really see ourselves as needing a reserved block of GPU for our runtime. We are trying to be a bit smarter than that. The new GPUs have interesting abilities to run some processes in the background, so we are looking at ways to make Enlighten run ‘in the gaps’ so that it minimizes the amount of GPU resource it consumes.”


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