S&S News: Xbox One: stand it vertically “at your own risk”, warns Microsoft

Xbox One should be played horizontally, Microsoft’s senior director of product management and planning Albert Penello has warned.

Speaking with Gamespot, Penello confirmed that the matter stems from the console’s disc-slot, and is not a cooling issue. He told the site, “We don’t support vertical orientation; do it at your own risk. It wouldn’t be a cooling problem, we just didn’t design the drive for vertical. Because it’s a slot loading drive, we just didn’t design it for both”.

He added, “We found, interestingly enough, that 80 percent of people, believe it or not, have their Xbox [360] horizontally”.


  1. Kris Finch9/20/2013

    This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

  2. .:UFO:. Dale James9/20/2013

    you are everywhere.

  3. Tetsuo9/20/2013

    What on earth? It's 2013 For christ's sake.

  4. "What we've found, believe it or not..." I chose not to believe that those heathens exist in such great numbers. (But seriously, I don't have a single friend who has theirs horizontal. Not that having to lay it flat bothers me, and probably wouldn't bother them. But that's not what they do right now.)

  5. Kris Finch9/20/2013

    I know o_O

  6. Haha no problem with that.


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