S&S News: Microsoft: If You Don't have an Internet Connection, Get an Xbox 360

Microsoft has faced a lot of criticism over their restrictions regarding used games and the 24 hour check in requirement, and their recent comments won't help the problems at all...

Xbox boss Don Mattrick believes that the  concerns over connectivity are overblown, and recommends the Xbox 360 for those without an internet connection. 

"Xbox has been created for gamers, by gamers," Mattrick told GTTV. "I find it kind of ironic when people take a step back and think 'this is a company that hasn't thought about, at its core, what it means to have great games experiences.' So, we're going to deliver that. And I think in the long run, we'll build a global leading product that people are going to love and embrace."

"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called Xbox 360," Mattrick said. "If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device."

I'm not sure if this will help their cause anytime soon.


  1. Lucas Vieira6/12/2013

    What Mattrick doesn't understand is that there are some serious consumers that can't rely on their internet connection (Hello, Brazil here!). My internet is already slow, and I have to pray for it to stay good for a multiplayer connection, otherwise it lags as hell - not to count when my connection SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK.
    What good use has a console if I simply have no guarantee that I can play with it whenever I want?

  2. Exactly man, they just don't understand that at all.

  3. Chazz Sweet6/13/2013

    They definitely understand--they just don't care.


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